What Is a Diverse Board?

Diverse Board is the management of a company, which includes a variety of employees by gender, gender, nationality, and inclusive people. Only such a management apparatus today can ensure the well-being of the entire company.

Women and Board

Patriarchal consciousness, traditions, and stereotypes hurt the distribution of social statuses; the UN data is shocking – women do 2/3 of all the work in the world while earning 1/10 of all income and own less than 1/100 of all world property.

Historically, most large corporations have been led by men. But big business can provide an example of a gender-focused approach to team building. Recent international studies have proven that companies with a balanced representation of women on board directors achieve improved financial and non-financial results.

Research on the role of women in management

The unrealized potential of each individual has an equally negative impact on the state’s economy and weakens both its role in the economy and the economy as a whole.

Analysis by the International Labor Organization shows that the likelihood of improved business results is as high as 20% in companies with 30-40% female representation on the board of directors. The recommended minimum proportion of women on the board of directors is 30%.

According to research by Ernst & Young, companies with more than 25% women in management and gender equality programs have an increase in profitability of at least 6%. In addition, the market share is higher by 45%, and much higher growth rates in new markets – about 70%.

How to introduce gender equality

Here are some practical recommendations for large companies:

  • Each position should contain clear criteria, with employees who will be interviewed about long-term goals and vision for career development. Organizations need to pay attention to cases of gender discrimination and analyze them.
  • The best European practices involve establishing labor-friendly policies for women who give birth. For Examples remote work, children’s rooms at enterprises, and regulation of working hours and days.
  • Setting “female” quotas. Now global companies are setting targets for the percentage of women and flexible schedules for women with small children.
  • Adaptation programs for women on parental leave. We are talking about informing women about the current affairs of the organization and involving them in social life. It is important not to exclude employees with children from the team’s life; invite them to corporate events and strategic sessions.

Achieving gender equality will improve the well-being of women, which will lead to an increase in the well-being of their families and society as a whole

You can use these guidelines for other populations, for example, for inclusive people.

Gender, sexual orientation, nationality

It is also necessary to remember that LGBTQIA people, non-binary people, and people of any nationality or racial affiliation can be in the management apparatus of the company.

The main task of a high-level manager is to create a comfortable environment where these moments will not be sharpened. Each employee must understand that he is valued for his work talents and not for “features.”

Also, emphasis should not be placed on the fact that someone is dark-skinned and someone needs a third toilet because he is not ready to visit either male or female.

Caring for equality starts with small things, but the main thing is the right accents and rules in the company.

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